Iron Lion Page 03

Neapolis / Ornamenta Mulieris Silentium, Modestia Et Domi Manere / See page 2 for more info. / iPhoto

Neapolis type / detail, 1625 / Museo Nazionale di San Martino, Naples / The print image detail repeats the veduta di M. Cartaro (1579), which he got from the prototype map from Lafrery. / iPhoto

Gyz La Rivière / Centro Direzionale, Naples / photo: Patricia Pulles

Rotterdam RISES UP / Rochussenstraat, Rotterdam

Broken (curved) Pediment / Some-
where in Naples. / iPhoto

'…'O sole mio sta nfronte a te!' … / 'O sole mio is a worldwide known Neapo-
litan song. Its lyrics were written by Giovanni Capurro in 1898 and composed by Eduardo di Capua.

Broken (curved) Pediment / BENU Apotheek P.S. Exler / Noordplein 189, Rotterdam

'…Die straatjongen uit Rotterdam.' / Ketelbinkie, a Rotterdam schlager song,
written by Anton Beuving in 1939 and composed by Jan Vogel.