Metro station

Metro station
Sometimes a city moves without walking. But walking the city is the way your town really is.
A volte una città si muove senza camminare. Ma è solo camminando che capisci cos'è la tua città.
Metro station
Metro station
Sometimes a city moves without walking. But walking the city is the way your town really is.
A volte una città si muove senza camminare. Ma è solo camminando che capisci cos'è la tua città.
from: Rotterdam, gefotografeerd door Ralph L. Schuurman, 1978
Think like an airport, stay traceable and everyone is welcome.
Pensa come una aeroporto, rimani rintracciabile e tutti saranno benvenuti.
Dante Metro station.
Wilhelminaplein Metro station.
Stay sub-, it's way cooler then just culture.
Guarda sempre cosa c'è di sotto,
è più cool della cultura passante.
Calata Trinità Maggiore
Above the Weenatunnel.
Both of them can bring you to work too.
Entrambi i mezzi possono anche portarti a lavoro.
During diggings-work at the construction of the recent (nineties) station Blaak building, a fragment of a 14th Century city wall appeared. This complete fragment is, since then, on display in the (underground) railway and subway station.
photo: H. de Valk, 1993
collectie Stadsarchief Rotterdam
Dig deeper for your balance.
Scava in profondità per il tuo equilibrio.
Since 1954 on the Coolsingel-side of the Holbeinhuis building there is a great mosaic from artist Louis de Roode. The art work combines two cities that are connected to the Rhine river. Above Erasmus you see his birthplace Rotterdam (Roterodamum) and under him you see the city of Basel where he died. In between you see Erasmus on his horse, like the way he travelled from Naples towards England when he got the idea for his famous Praise of Folly.
Without transport you have no power.
Senza mezzi di trasporto non hai potere.
Don't go fast. Let's go cruisin' the city.
Non andare veloce. Fai una passeggiata in città.
Piazzetta Augusteo
Above the Coolsingel the (temporary) aerial tramway is defective. Passengers stand still
photo: Lex de Herder, 1970
collectie Stadsarchief Rotterdam
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Tova nuove soluzioni per il traffico.