Lion King

Piazza dei Martiri

The lion striding on foot, for the war
of unification of 1860.

Mama Lion

A stone lion in front of Florence Nightingalehof and the Leeuwenflat.
Seen from the Maasboulevard.
photo: Gemeentearchief Rotterdam /
afd. Fotografie, 1974

collectie Stadsarchief Rotterdam

As a city you have to stay courageous.
Nothing is secure.
Come città devi continuare ad avere coraggio.

Niente è sicuro.


Carlo III and Ferdinando I

House of Bourbon
Piazza del Plebiscito

City Walk

Statues by artist Berry Holslag (1998).
Zuidplein / Strevelsweg

Everyday is modern life.
Ogni giorno la vita è moderna.

Think Again

Desiderius Erasmus

Erasmus monument on the Coolsingel
(before it was moved towards Grotekerkplein),
on the background Café Restaurant Erasmus in the Erasmushuis building.
Postcard, 1955

As a city you sometimes have to go through hell
to start a new dream.
Come città ogni tanto devi passare per l'inferno per iniziare un nuovo sogno.


Cult of the dead

Via Nilo

Santa Claus

Statue by artist Paul McCarthy (2001) on Eendrachtsplein.

Everything becomes the same. So who are you?
Tutto diventa uguale. Dunque chi sei tu?

Window Licker


Via Giuseppe Fiorelli


The Vijverhofstraat during Urban Renewal period.
photo: Lex de Herder, 1982
collectie Stadsarchief Rotterdam

Get away from your computer, go out and check the city behind your Windows.
Lascia il tuo computer, esci ed esplora
la città dietro le Windows.