
Palazzo Reale

Royal Palace of Naples
Lo scalone interno
Piazza del Plebiscito

Postkantoor / Post Rotterdam

Inside former Central Postoffice of Rotterdam.

Become the most beautiful space in your city.
Diventa lo spazio più bello della tua città.

Fountain of Youth

Fontana del Carciofo

Piazza Trieste e Trento

Hofplein fountain

The Hofplein square lies on a crossing of the Weena, the Schiekade and the Coolsingel. A large fountain is situated in the centre of the square.

Stay endlessly fresh like a fountain
that never sleeps.
Rimani sempre fresco come una fontana
che non dorme mai.

Fully Booked

Montesanto station area


Downtown Rotterdam

videostill: Rotterdam 2040

As a city, try to be full without being empty.
Come città, prova ad essere piena senza svuotarti.